
What’s Up With “Hey Freelancer” ?

Hello! I know it’s been a minute since I last posted. As you can see, there have been some changes on the blog. Namely, my former site Cheapsters has undergone a bit of rebrand and new look. Why the change? Well, in recent years my content has been veering more toward helping freelancers with their […]

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I Hate Money

Well, I used to hate money. This may come as a surprise, as I’m known as a gal who has a pretty decent relationship with her money. However, my prudent money-saving habits didn’t originate from a TV sitcom-esque family, where mother and father dutifully used trips to the supermarket to teach their children budgeting basics. […]

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proof that money isn't everything

Proof That Money Isn’t Everything

So when I decided to take the plunge and pursue freelancing full-time a couple years back, I did so with the intention of having time to work on some personal projects, namely a collection of short stories. Now that I’ve been getting this itch to also write a book to help artists and freelancers with […]

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Freelancing Out of Necessity? Here’s Your Ultimate Game Plan

Freelancing can be pretty freakin’ awesome. But it can also suck hard, too. Having just hit my 15-month mark as full-time freelancer, I’ve realized how crucial it is to keep things together—and how easily things can fall apart. Freelancing is a funky hybrid of sorts. One one hand, you have have the freedom and flexibility […]

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On Coming to a Zen-Like Approach to Freelancing

As I’m nearing the end of my 8th month as a full-time freelancer, it’s hard to believe I’m two-thirds in to my yearlong experiment. Life has certainly been a little crazy, and I’ve slowly come to realize how much I’ve learned in the last eight months. I’ve learned a lot about managing my time and […]

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